Sally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three - TV Tropes (2024)

Sally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three - TV Tropes (1)

Sally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of ThreeSally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three - TV Tropes (2) is a fangame based on the game, and by extension, creepypasta of the same name, Sally.exe. It is created by JaizKoysSally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three - TV Tropes (3) and is the sequel to another game, Sonic.exe: Nightmare Beginning.

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Sally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three provides examples of:

  • Adaptation Deviation: In the original game and the story it's based on, the game is possessed by a demon who is taking the form of Sonic. This game does away with the haunted game concept and is entirely in-universe.
  • Adaptation Expansion: This game is far more complex than what it is based on. For starters, the fact that most of the characters have speech or characterization at all, whereas in the source material, the most they had were some facial expressions.
  • All Just a Dream: Implied to be the case with Amy's route in Part 2.
  • All There in the Manual:
    • There are supplemental videos on Youtube, such as the Nightmare ShortsSally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three - TV Tropes (4) and Nightmare WikiSally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three - TV Tropes (5), that give more background into the story and characters.
    • There are also some questions that Jaiz answered on his Discord server, and a Q&A video that Mastered UI Kostas uploaded on his channel.
  • Apocalypse How: Class X. The Erasure can be best described as "a planet and every living thing on it ceases to exist."
  • Art Shift: Jaiz has three different artists helping with the game: InkyMallowSally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three - TV Tropes (6) drew the majority of the facial expressions in the text boxes, SehikuTHSally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three - TV Tropes (7) drew the remaining facial expressions and most of the in-game art, and typical_355Sally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three - TV Tropes (8) drew her OC in as an Easter Egg and one piece of art in Last Dream.
  • Ax-Crazy: Sark has been confirmed to be insane, and he is very bloodthirsty.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Sark Cream. She may be Cream the Rabbit, but her personality is the exact opposite.
  • Big Bad: Exetior in Part 1, Stich-Lite in Part 2.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The best ending of the game has all of the girls alive and reunited, but Sally is possessed by Stich-Lite, and she is about to attack Exetior when it's revealed Sark is about to kill him and Negagen.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: All the demons and demonized mortals have these along with glowing red pupils. Averted with Sark's servants.
  • Blood Knight: All of the Demons of Sharpness are this, who are violent by nature to the point where they usually only approach others to attack.
  • Break the Cutie: Jennifer after Cream decides to leave Merely to fight Brally and her Sonic.exe clones on her own, and she ends up getting killed.
  • Broken Bird: Merely is cold and distrusting of others, as a result of the incident where almost everyone in her city, including her younger sister Christy, died.
  • Came Back Wrong: Merely believes this when Christy returns as a demon.
  • Changing of the Guard: The first game starred Tails, Knuckles, and Dr. Eggman. This game stars Amy, Cream, and Sally, taking place after the bad ending where the three previous protagonists are all demonized.
  • Cutting Off the Branches: Out of all the possible endings of the previous game, the one that this game follows is the Bad ending.
  • Dark Is Evil: Demonized mortals are darker in color than their normal counterparts.
  • Death Is Cheap: When any of the girls are killed, they are brought back and demonized.
  • Demonic Possession: Negagen takes control of Amy's body after putting her conscience into a Motobug and then attempts to knock her out in Star Light Zone, if you follow an alternative path.
  • Downer Ending: Most of them, as they usually involve one or more of the girls being killed.
  • Easy Levels, Hard Bosses: The platforming levels, while some are long, are relatively simple in design and can be completed easily with well-timed jumps. The bosses are a bit more difficult, however.
  • Evil Versus Oblivion: Ultimately, the entire thing is summed up to this: either Mobius gets demonized, either it's erased.
  • Eye Motifs: The virus that is supposed to be helping the girls is called the "Eye".
  • Faceless Eye: How it's indicated that the "Eye" is activated.
  • Ghost City: Desert City, the city that Merely and Jennifer live in, because everyone else was killed in an attack by Brally and her Sonic.exe clones.
  • Glowing Eyes: If you look closely at Negagen's sprites and portrait, you'll see that his eyes glow faintly.
  • Golden Ending: Subverted. In the Trio Ending, all three girls survive, only to meet their end at the hands of an unknown force. In Amy's solo endings in Part 2, she's permanently trapped in her own mind by Negagen, living a life of bliss.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: All-Father, the leader of the Highests. He was indirectly revealed in Wonders of Naivety, had his first physical appearance in Wave Perception, and is mentioned by Stich-Lite in the Def-ictory Ending.
  • Grey-and-Gray Morality: The demons, who want to kill and demonize Mobians, and the Highests, who want to erase Mobius, are neither completely good nor completely evil in motives. Except for Sark, who is completely evil in his motives. The demons want to stop Mobius from being erased, and while the Highests want to erase Mobius, they will recreate it afterwards.
  • Guide Dang It!: To get the "Best" Ending or the actual Best Ending, you have to go off the path towards Amy and Negagen as Sally. There is no clue as to do this. In addition, Cream must fight off Brally and not flee in the remake, guaranteeing that Merely and Jennifer also survive.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Merely and Jennifer are very close friends.
  • Jerkass Gods: Downplayed with the Highests, who are cold to the worlds they create and will simply erase them if they get bored of them. They also don't care about the lives of mortals nor demons.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Merely is a Jerkass to Cream, but she begins to trust her if Cream manages to find a doll that Christy had made for her in the past, and even offers to let her stay in her bunker if Cream helps her fight against Brally. She is also nice to Jennifer, her best friend.
  • Jumpscare: After Rosy goes back to Sark's temple in a special cutscene, she sees Sark Sally. A jumpscare of Sally's face comes up after she talks to her.
  • Killed Off for Real: Vanilla. She is never demonized because Tails.exe became suddenly vicious, ripped her body to pieces, and ate part of her.
  • Kill the Cutie:
    • Christy was a Nice Girl that died from being torn apart by Brally's Sonic.exe clones.
    • In a special cutscene if Cream decided to ditch Merely, Jennifer gets killed by Brally after seeing Merely's decapitated head.
  • Lady Swears-a-Lot: Merely. Especially when you betray her in Desert City.
  • A Lighter Shade of Grey: The demons. While they are killing and demonizing Mobians, they are doing it to stop Mobius from being erased, which is better than the Highests wanting to erase Mobius simply because of their knowledge that demons exist. The only truly evil demon is Sark.
  • Light Is Not Good: Generic Highests, who want to erase Mobius, are pure white.
  • Necessarily Evil: Exetior, to save Mobius from the Highests. What he says to Knuckles.exe in the Betray-Tion ending indicates that he is aware of how what he is doing is cruel.

    "Yes, our way is very cruel and painful, but tell me: Don't you feel stronger and more clear-headed than when you were alive?"

    • Considering who the Big Bad and the Greater-Scope Villain are, this means the only fate of Mobius is demonization or erasure.
  • Nice Girl: Christy and Merely before her city became a Ghost City are kind and friendly.
  • The Pollyanna: Jennifer, who is cheerful and friendly despite the fact that her city is abandoned. Turns out that this is because Merely lies to her about what happened to keep her happy.
  • Precision F-Strike: Done by Exetior in the "Ex-aitor" ending, as well as Amy in the Best ending of Part 1 after Exetior shows Vanilla's decapitated head to the girls.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Exetior and the demonized mortals have these. Averted with Sark's servants.
  • Save the World: Exetior's goal is to stop Mobius from being erased.
  • Sequel Hook: After getting the best ending, closing and reopening the game will reveal a stinger for something called "Cover Story".
  • Shout-Out:
    • Amy's design in this game is based on her look in Sonic the Comic, as well as Sonic's Super Form in the End of Hope ending.
    • Sark and his servants are the Sonic, Amy, Cream, and Sally from MY5TCrimson's game.
    • Negagen is based off of a design for Anti.dll.
    • The song Christy is singing is a reference to a song from Crash Twinsanity.
  • Slasher Smile:
    • Sally's dialogue icon changes to her having one after killing mind-controlled Amy (only if Amy has already killed Cream).
    • Sark, and Sark's Sally.exe's dialogue icons all have Slasher Smiles.
    • For some reason, a face with one appears in Cream's origin story.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: A pretty cheerful and upbeat tune plays after the Thrio-Orever Ending... even after one of the girls betrays and kills the other two.
  • The End of the World as We Know It: The Ex-aitor ending, where Mobius gets erased by the Highests.
  • The Stinger: A few endings have a short one after the credits. The most notable is the one for the best ending: a Sequel Hook for "Cover Story".
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: When Merely is surrounded by Brally and her Sonic.exe clones, you have the option to make Cream jump into the giant ring and leave her behind.
  • Vocal Dissonance:
    • Sark Cream. Despite having a childlike appearance, she speaks like a teenager. A very freaky one, at best.
    • Sark Amy/Rosy. She sounds almost nothing like the canon Amy Rose.
  • Vocal Evolution: Exetior's voice pre-EoT was very low and raspy, to the point where some people could barely understand him. Nowadays, his voice is slightly higher in pitch, while still retaining his signature rasp.

" I'm sorry, Mobius..."

Sally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three - TV Tropes (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.